SDG OpenSlice is structured in several groups, including a Leadership Group, a Technical Steering Committee, Module Development Groups and Task Forces.
The Leadership Group is in charge of setting and sharing the project vision
Christos Tranoris is a Researcher at the Electrical Engineering department of the University of Patras, and a technical manager of the PNET a Greek Competence Centre for Emerging Smart Networks and Services. He has significant experience in the development of programmable infrastructures and operation support tools. He participates in various standardization and European organizations while he is currently the technical leader of various EU-funded projects in the area of 5G and 6G research.
Diogo Gomes is a Professor at the University of Aveiro and Senior Researcher at Instituto de Telecomunicações - Aveiro, Portugal. With 20 years of experience in Telecommunications/Computer Networks research he has authored more than 140 publications. His current research interest are on 5G/6G Service Management and Orchestration, Multi-Access Edge Computing and development of Internet of Things (IoT) solutions using Machine Learning techniques. He has participated in several EU projects such as DAIDALOS, C-Mobile, C-Cast, 5GinFIRE and currently coordinates 5GASP. He is a strong Open Source Advocate, having directly contributed/maintained several OSS projects. He graduated in Computers and Telematics Engineering (2003) with first class honors, and did a Phd on Telecommunications (2009), both from the University of Aveiro.
Dr Antonio Skarmeta received the M.S. degree in Computer Science from the University of Granada and B.S. (Hons.) and the Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from the University of Murcia Spain. Since 2009 he is Full Professor at the same department and University. Antonio F. Skarmeta has worked on different research projects in the national and international area in the networking, security and IoT and 5G area, and now is involved in 5GInspireplus, 5GMobix, GN4+, CyberSec4Europe and BIECO. He coordinated the H2020 project IoTCrawler focusing on IoT advanced discovery on IPv6 networks and OLYMPUS on privacy preserving IdM and now the 6G project CERBERUS on Security on Beyond 5G. He has been chair of several conference and workshop, with special attention to IEEE 5GWF and now the IEEE Future Networks World Forum. His main interested is in the integration of 5G, security services, identity, IoT and Smart Cities, being scientific manager of the Smart City project of Murcia City Hall (MiMurcia). He has been the head of the research group ANTS since its creation on 1995. Actually, he is also advisor to the vice-rector of Research of the University of Murcia for International projects and head of the International Research Project Office. Since 2014 until 2010 he has been Spanish National Representative for the MSCA within H2020. He has published over 200 international papers and being member of several program committees.
The OSL Technical Steering Committee is in charge of driving the technical activities
Kostis is a Researcher in the Networks Architecture and Management (NAM) research group at the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, University of Patras. In the past, he was actively involved in the design and execution of several social impact projects as a software engineer, working in close collaboration with Municipalities’ services. As a member of the Patras5G facility, he has been deeply engaged in numerous EU projects in the field of next-generation networks, assuming various roles. His primary research interests revolve around cloud computing in support of Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and Software-Defined Networking (SDN), network slicing, service orchestration and SLA, aiming at the delivery of fully orchestrated and trusted end-to-end services on new-generation mobile networks.
Georgios is a Technical Manager at UBITECH’s Network Softwarization and IoT (NSIT) group, focusing on programmable cloud-native networked systems. His main interests span across Computer Networks and Operating Systems with a focus on Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and Software-Defined Networking (SDN). In his doctoral thesis, Georgios introduced how to realize software-based NFV service chains at the emerging and utterly challenging link speeds at 100 Gbps using commodity hardware, while obliterating latency. His latest research is published at top systems conferences (NSDI, CoNEXT) and journals (ACM TOCS) and featured in the ACM Technews, PHYS.ORG, ECN, KTH, and APNIC. Georgios has been actively contributing to cutting edge networking frameworks, such as DPDK, ONOS, and the Click modular router, while also actively impacting relevant ETSI software development groups, such as ETSI TFS and ETSI OSL.
Rafael Direito is a second-year PhD candidate at the University of Aveiro, where he is pursuing a PhD in Informatics Engineering. He holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from the same institution. In addition to his academic pursuits, Rafael works as a researcher at the Telecommunications Institute in Aveiro. His research focuses on the validation of future networks Network Applications, NFV, DevOps methodologies applied to the NFV ecosystem, and monitoring. Since 2020, Rafael Direito has also integrated the Telecommunications Institute team responsible for the 5GASP Horizon 2020 project and, more recently, has collaborated with the IMAGINE-B5G SNS project.
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