ETSI Software Development Group for OpenSlice

The ETSI Software Development Group for OpenSlice (SDG OSL) is developing an open source service based Operations Support System (OSS) to deliver Network Slice as a Service (NSaaS).

Getting Started with ETSI SDG OSL Group

Install and use

See how to install and use OpenSlice. Check user documentation!

open source

OpenSlice source code is developed under Apache License 2.0. Check our code!


OpenSlice allows for rapid prototyping and experimentation in research and standardization activities. Getting Started

open community

Participation is open to ETSI members and non-ETSI members as well as invidual developers and users. Join us!

OSL ecosystem

See who supports and use OSL. Join us!

OSL events

See some upcoming and previous Events

Recent News

OSL#3 and EuCNC|6G Summit

OSL#3 and EuCNC|6G Summit

OSL will present its work in a Special Session at the 2024 EuCNC & 6G Summit, 3 – 6 June, Antwerp, Belgium, where you will learn about the OSL project scope and how OSL leverages research and collaborates with standardisation.

Join Us!

Participation in SDG OpenSlice is open to ETSI Members and non members.

See current list of SDG OSL Members and Participants

Need help? Contact

service image

Corporate Members & Participants

ETSI Members and non-ETSI member organizations join ETSI OpenSlice by signing the OSL Member & Participant Agreement. Participation is free for ETSI members, SMEs, Universities, Public Research and User and Trade Associations. Learn more on how to join OpenSlice here.

Individual Contributors & Users

Individuals not representing any organization can create an Individual User Account. Individual Contributors shall accept the Individual Contributor License Agreement. Participation is free for individual contributors and users. Learn more on how to join OpenSlice here.

Stay tuned!

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