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Catalogs and Templates

The Openslice Service Catalogue (accessible through the API or Services portal) contains the representation of Service Specifications, either created from the provider defining service attributes, or by supporting the GSMA Generic Slice Templates (GST) as well as the VINNI Service Blueprint. The following scenarios are supported by the Openslice Service Catalogue.

Create/Design a Service Specification

First Import some Resources as Resource Facing Services (RFSs)

If you have any NSDs as NFV artifacts, import them through the UI menu (Import from NSD list). Then an NSD is imported as a resource and an RFS automatically is created. RFSs then later are used to design a Customer Facing Service Specification

Create/Design a Customer Facing Service Specification

Customer Facing Service Specification are the services offered to customers. You can create a new Service Specification from the menu. The services created through the UI are Customer Facing Services (CFS). Usually you create a CFS as a bundle and then you include Service Specification Relationships with RFSs or/and CFSs.

Any Service Specification Characteristics from the RFS are copied to the CFS specification. A CFS can include multiple RFS or/and CFSs. For example you can create a CFS spec called "A 5G Service" which is a bundle of two other services (include them in Service Specification Relationships) such as 5G eMBB Slice and a Customer VPN. So when the user orders "A 5G Service" services from 5G eMBB Slice and a Customer VPN will be created during the order.

Initial configuration for OSM deployment

if you have an initial configuration that needs to be applied in the NSD deployment, then you go to the RFS (or CFS) and in Service Specification Characteristics go and edit the OSM_CONFIG characteristic. You can add in the Service Characteristic Value, in the Value field something like the following example which gives a floating IP to a VNF:

{ "nsdId": "e855be91-567b-45cf-9f86-18653e7ea", "vimAccountId": "4efd8bf4-5292-4634-87b7-7b3d49108" , "vnf": [ {"member-vnf-index": "1", "vdu": [ {"id": "MyCharmedVNF-VM", "interface": [{"name": "eth0", "floating-ip-required": true }]}]}]}

or a more complex example (beautify it first if you want to view it, but in the parameter OSM_CONFIG must be minified like the example):


You can leave the Alias and Unit of Measure as is. Check also the is Default.


When a Service is deployed, OpenSlice provides the ability to see the status messages from the NFVO. This status can be regarding NS instantiation, primitive execution, etc.

Going to ResourceFacingService (RFS) -> Contextual Features -> MANO NSLCM, you will be able to see a beautified view of the status messages retrieved by OSM.


Day 2 Primitive Actions

NFVOs like OSM allow to perform actions while a service is running, for example change attributes or make actions on a specific VNF. OpenSlice supports the invocation of day 2 primitives using Open Source MANO (OSM). This feature allows users to perform various actions while a service is running, such as changing attributes or executing specific actions on a Network Service's (NSD) Virtual Network Function (VNF). This capability enhances the flexibility and control over network services, making it easier to manage them in real-time.

Invoking Primitives in OpenSlice

To design and invoke primitives in OpenSlice, do the following steps:

  1. When a service is instantiated, go to its ResourceFacingService (RFS) -> Contextual Features -> MANO Primitives List; MANO Primitives List Section

  2. There, you will find that VNF available primitives;

  3. Click on the Execute Primitive button of the chosen VNF;
  4. On the Execute MANO Primitives window:

    1. Select the desired primitive on the Primitive Parameter Name;
    2. Provide the Primitive Parameter Value;

      Execute MANO Primitives Window

  5. Click on the Submit button.

After the previous steps, after a while, you should be able to see the status of the primitive execution above on the same page, on the MANO NSLCM section.

IMPORTANT NOTE: As of now, OpenSlice still only supports the invoking of VNF-level primitives. We expect to have VDU-level primitives in the future.

Generic Slice Templates (GST)

(Offered only as a design for now. THere is no direct implementation to NFV) On October 16th 2019 GSMA published NG.116 Version 2.0 which defines the Generic Network Slice Template (GST). GST is a set of attributes that can characterise a type of network slice/service. GST is generic and is not tied to any specific network deployment. Here is a list of the various attributes of the template:

  • Availability
  • Area of Service
  • Delay tolerance
  • Deterministic communication
  • Downlink throughput per network slice
  • Downlink throughput per UE
  • Energy efficiency
  • Group communication support
  • Isolation level
  • Location based message delivery
  • Maximum supported packet size
  • Mission critical support
  • MMTel support
  • NB-IoT support
  • Network Slice Customer network functions
  • Number of connections
  • Number of terminals
  • Performance monitoring
  • Performance prediction
  • Positioning support
  • Radio spectrum
  • Reliability
  • Root cause investigation
  • Session and Service Continuity support
  • Simultaneous use of the network slice
  • Slice quality of service parameters
  • Support for non-IP traffic
  • Supported access technologies
  • Supported device velocity
  • Synchronicity
  • Terminal density
  • Uplink throughput per network slice
  • Uplink throughput per UE
  • User management openness
  • User data access
  • V2X communication mode

Openslice offers the GST in a format that is machine readable and aligned with the TMF SID model. Here is a tentative approach in JSON :

Providers can clone a GST as e NEST directly in Openslice Web portal and the adjust the default attributes to their Service Specification

Manage a Service Specification

You can manage them though the Web UI

Assign a Service Specification to Service Categories and Publish

Just create categories and from the menu select the category and add services

Retire/Remove a Service Specification

Delete it from the category

Consume and expose Service Specifications from other Service Catalogues

See more on Consuming Services From External Partner Organizations