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OpenSlice Service Catalogs

OpenSlice offers complete management of Service Catalogs.

Intended Audience: Service Designers, OpenSlice administrators, Users

OpenSlice offers complete management of Service Catalogs which offer to end users:

  • Service categories: Lists the available services, including their specifications and performance metrics.
  • Service Bundles: Combines multiple services into a single offering to provide added value to customers.

Service Catalogs contain Service Specifications (organized in Service Categories) exposed to users for Service Orders.

UI management

In the UI this looks like the following. Service catalogs and categories exposed in Service marketplace.

In the menu the administrator can manage the Service Catalogs and Categories.


API exposed

When installing OpenSlice the API endpoints can be browsed at:


endpoint examples:

/serviceCatalogManagement/v4/serviceCatalog List or find ServiceCatalog objects
/serviceCatalogManagement/v4/serviceCategory List or find ServiceCategory objects

Example Use Case

Scenario: A service provider wants to offer a new managed XXXX service to enterprise customers.

  • Service Definition: Service Template thus create a template for the XXXX service, including specifications for bandwidth, network features, and performance metrics.
  • Service Catalog Integration: Add to Service Catalog the XXXX service with all relevant details.
  • Service Delivery/Order: Provision Service by Using the orchestration system to provision and configure the XXXX service based on customer orders.

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