OpenSlice Administrator: Installs, configures and maintains an OpenSlice instance
OpenSlice Service Designer: Uses available resources to design service specifications that are offered to OpenSlice users
OpenSlice User: Browses and orders offered services
Useful Terms
Service Specification: A blueprint with detailed descriptions of services, including attributes, configurations, performance metrics, and SLAs (e.g. 5G Connectivity).
Service: A running instance of a Service Specification.
Resource Specification: A blueprint with detailed descriptions of resources, including attributes, configurations, and instantiation patterns (e.g. a Kubernetes CRD).
Resource: A running instance of a Resource Specification.
Resource Facing Service Specification (RFSS): A Service Specification that exposes a Resource Specification as a Service (e.g. UPF Deployment in K8s).
Customer Facing Service Specification (CFSS): A Service Specification exposed to Users, available for Service Orders. Usually an exposed CFSS (e.g. 5G Connectivity) is a Service Bundle and comprises of other RFSSs (e.g. UPF Deployment, Core Deployment) and CFSSs (e.g. Connect Radio Nodes).
Resource Facing Service (RFS): An running instance of an RFSS, created via a Service Order of a related Service Bundle.
Customer Facing Service (CFS): An running instance of an CFSS, created via a Service Order.
Service Category: A collection of CFSSs.
Service Catalog: A collection of exposed Service Categories.
Service Inventory: An inventory of all the service instances.
Resource Inventory: An inventory of all the resource instances.