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Design Monitoring Services

Intended Audience: OpenSlice Service Designers

This section introduces a way to design Service Specifications that integrate external monitoring sources (e.g. a Prometheus instance). This type of services require METRICO component running (see more information about METRICO at the Architecture's section).

METRICO Resource Specification

When METRICO component instantiates, it automatically creates a respective Resource Specification, named METRICO_Resource_Specification. It is always noted with a specific Version and Category. As METRICO evolves, this combination shall change. METRICO creates its versioned Resource Specification, only when it is not already existing.

METRICO Resource Specification

The Resource Specification comprises of all the properties needed to execute a monitoring job towards an external source and return the data to a candidate service. For this reason, it incorporates the respective characteristics, as shown below:

METRICO Resource Specification's Characteristics

Namely, the characteristics provide the following information:

  • _MT_TYPE: The monitoring source type (default value: PROMETHEUS)
  • _MT_URL: The monitoring source URL (e.g.
  • _MT_QUERY: The query towards the monitoring source (e.g. query=gnb_service_state)
  • _MT_RECURRING_INTERVAL: The polling interval of the monitoring source (default value: G_1MN, Available values: G_10SEC, G_30SEC, G_1MN, G_5MN, G_15MN, G_30MN, G_1H, G_24H, G_1M, G_1Y)
  • _MT_START_TIME: The starting time of the monitoring job (default value, if left blank: NOW)
  • _MT_END_TIME: The ending time of the monitoring job (default value, if left blank: NOW + 1h)
  • _MT_SERVICEUUID: The ID of the service to update with the retrieved monitoring data
  • _MT_CHARACTERISTIC_NAME: The characteristic of the service with id _MT_SERVICEUUID that will be updated with the retrieved monitoring data

METRICO Service Design

If you want to design a Monitoring Service that can be incorporated within other service bundles or directly expose it towards the users, you have to create a new Service Specification and relate the previously mentioned METRICO Resource Specification to it.

Monitoring Service Design

A Service Specification which is related to a Resource Specification is switched to a Resource Facing Service Specification (RFSS) and the Resource Characteristics are copied to the RFSS. At that stage, the Service Designer needs to fill in the Characteristics's default values and/or enable the user to provide its preferences through service bundles.

Probe further

See the Example: Integrate Prometheus monitoring solution as-a-Service.