Supported TMFORUM exposed APIs

Endpoint Title Description Version
/tmf-api/serviceCatalogManagement/v4 633 Service Catalog Management Provides a catalog of services. 4.0.0
/tmf-api/productCatalogManagement/v4/ 620 Product Catalog Management Provides a catalog of products. 4.0.0
/tmf-api/productOrderingManagement/v4/ v622 Product Ordering Provides a standardized mechanism for placing a product order. 4.0.0
/tmf-api/resourceCatalogManagement/v4 634 Resource Catalog Management This is Swagger UI environment generated for the TMF Resource Catalog Management specification. 4.0.0
/tmf-api/serviceInventory/v4 638 Service Inventory Management Provides a consistent/standardized mechanism to query and manipulate the Service inventory. 4.0.0
/tmf-api/serviceOrdering/v4 641 API ServiceOrdering Provides a standardized mechanism for managing Service Order. 4.0.0
/tmf-api/serviceQualityManagement/v2 657 Service Quality Management This is Swagger UI environment generated for the TMF Service Quality Management specification. 2.0.0
/tmf-api/partyRoleManagement/v4/ 669 Party Role Management This is Swagger UI environment generated for the TMF Party Role Management specification. 4.0.0
/tmf-api/party/v4/organization 632 API Party Provides standardized mechanism for party management such as creation, update, retrieval, deletion and notification of events. 4.0.0
/tmf-api/agreementManagement/v2/ 651 Agreement Management T his is Swagger UI environment generated for the TMF Agreement Management specification. 2.0.0
/tmf-api/resourceOrderingManagement/v4 652 Resource Order Management-v4.0.0 This is Swagger UI environment generated for the TMF 652-Resource Order Management-v4.0.0 specification. 4.0.0
/tmf-api/accountManagement/v4 666 Account Management This is Swagger UI environment generated for the TMF Account Management specification. 4.0.0
/tmf-api/customerManagement/v4 629 Customer Management TMF Customer Management 4.0.0
/tmf-api/userinfo 691 Federated ID TMF Federated ID 1.0.0
/tmf-api/ServiceActivationAndConfiguration/v3/ 640 API Service Activation and Configuration Provides the ability to activate and configure Services. 3.0.0
/tmf-api/alarmManagement/v4/ 642 API Alarm 4.0.0
/tmf-api/serviceTestManagement/v4 653 Service Test Management Provides the ability to manage tests of provisioned Services. 4.0.0
/tmf-api/resourceInventoryManagement/v4 639 API Resource Inventory Management Provides the ability to manage Resources. 4.0.0
/tmf-api/lcmrulesmanagement/v1/ LCM Rules Custom API environment for LCM Rules 1.0.0
/tmf-api/resourcePoolManagement/v1 685 Resource Pool Management Resources that can be reserved are only in one pool. 1.0.0
/tmf-api/geographicSiteManagement/v5 674 Geographic Site Management Covers the operations to manage sites that can be associated with entities 5.0.0